Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Animal Experimentation Should Be Eliminated - 1656 Words

Is it really necessary to use and abuse animals in medical research? People’s opinions on this topic will vary but as strong as an opinion can be, there is more to it than just that. After reading a lot of different articles on animal testing, it has not been as beneficial to humans as we think. People misunderstand the cruelty and torture animals are put through in their lives, and are unaware or just simply don’t understand the procedures and techniques that they endure. Animal experimentation should be eliminated. Animal testing is unethical and inhumane and should be eliminated, seeing as there are safer ways to test products. Innocent animals are locked inside cages in laboratories languishing in pain. All they want to do is roam free but instead they ache with loneliness. Annually over one hundred million animals are used for a variety of painful and torturous experimentations, also knows as vivisection, every year – without accountability. Animals used for experiments did not choose to donate their bodies to science. All they can do is wait for the next for the next terrifying and painful procedure that will be performed on them. Animals should not be experimented on because they are living, sentient beings. There are alternatives due to modern and up coming technology, and because the majority of what is tested on animals fails in humans. (The State of Animal Research) â€Å"Only approximately one percent of animals utilized in research are covered by the Animal WelfareShow MoreRelatedAnimal Experimentation And Its Effects On Human Life And Survival965 Words   |  4 PagesInstructor Miguel Ma rrero English 1302 September 18, 2014 Animal Experimentation The various experiments are performed on living animals especially to test the effects of chemical compounds such as new drugs, cosmetics, food additives and pesticides. The application of animals to test a large number of products from household compounds and cosmetics to pharmaceutical has been considered to be a normal strategy for many years. Animal experimentation has existed since ancient times and contributed to humanRead More Its Time to Stop Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation1594 Words   |  7 PagesTime to Stop Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation    Using animals in research and to test the safety of products has been a topic of heated debate for decades. According to data collected by F. Barbara Orlans for her book, In the Name of Science: Issues in Responsible Animal Experimentation, sixty percent of all animals used in testing are used in biomedical research and product-safety testing (62). People have different feelings for animals; many look upon animals as companionsRead MorePersuasive Essay On Animal Testing1394 Words   |  6 PagesAccording to the Laboratory Animal Resource Center, â€Å"more than 100 million animals are killed in experiments each year in the United States† (qtd. in Technology). Animal experimentation is a scientific process that tests chemical substances on animal subjects versus human subjects to see how they react with the different body systems. This process has been used all over the world, but today, it is used in very few places around the world. Animal experimentation can be used f or cosmetic research toRead MoreThe Facts About Animal Experimentation1138 Words   |  5 PagesThe Facts About Animal Experimentation Animal experimentation is the use of animals in research or projects involving the safety of foods, drugs, or other substances. It is a part of almost everything we use in our everyday lives. These tests can be performed on a variety of animals. There are also many different ways to perform these tests. Animal testing affects all of the lives around us. Both animals and humans are affected by this in a range of different ways. Animal testing can be shown throughRead MoreAnimal Rights : Where Are The Limits?1680 Words   |  7 PagesAdrianna Steele Dr. Beutel ENG 101 November 18, 2014 Animal Rights: Where Are The Limits? Do animals deserve the natural rights humans have? Animals are being kept captive in science labs to test many things. In research labs they are used to test many trivial products and they are also used in valuable medical research. Many animal right activists go as far as breaking the law as an attempt to get the point across about the wellbeing of animals in science labs instead of being civil about the mannerRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing1502 Words   |  7 Pagesthat animal testing is beneficial to the advancement of human knowledge, while animal rights’ activists claim that animal testing is not humane and violates animals’ rights. The controversy over animal testing is best understood as a disagreement about whether animal testing is beneficial to humans. Each year more than 100 million animals are killed in the U.S. Every country has a law that permits medical experimentation on animals. While some countries protect particular kinds of anima ls fromRead MoreEssay about Animal Rights1553 Words   |  7 Pagesissue of animal experimentation is a widely debated topic in the United States. A fundamental question of this debate is whether the functions of animal testing and research are morally and ethically justified. In the viewpoint of the pro-research community, animal testing is a necessary practice. They support this position by stating that humans, instinctually, prioritize their own survival above other animals thus making any use of animals justifiable (Fox 5). The supporters of animal testing believeRead MoreAnimal Testing: What if You Were in Their Place? Essay1621 Words   |  7 Pageschemicals into the eyes of the animal to see how much irritation it will cause, a process known as the Draize eye irritancy test (Rabbits in Laboratories | PETA.org. 1). The test is certainly not pain free; it often causes distress, such as redness, swelling, and sometimes blindness. After the rabbits are finished being toyed wit h, they are killed (Rabbits in Laboratories | PETA.org. 1). The Draize eye irritancy test is just one of the thousands of examples of profuse animal testing that has been goingRead MoreEssay about Animal Testing605 Words   |  3 PagesAnimals have long sense been a part of human life. The dog for example is thought to have been the first animal to be domesticated by humans, sometime around 13,000–10,000 B.C., from wolves. It is not known for sure how humans gained the trust of the Canines but in any event they did, and soon found dogs to be reliable companions. Animals have aided us any many ways, from offering protection and companionship. They should be respected and loved for loyalty; however it has been a very common practiceRead MoreAnimal Rights : Animal Or Its Organs And Tissues Are Used1335 Words   |  6 Pagesthe experimental procedures, either a whole animal or its organs and tissues are used. For this purpose animals are euthanized (killed) by established metho ds. Many times, the animals surviving the clinical testing are euthanized at the end of an experiment to avoid the later pain and distress (Rusche, 2003). In some cases (for example in LD 50 analysis) animals die as a result of the experiment. The pain, distress and death experienced by the animals during scientific experiments have been a debating

Amelia Earhart Family Tree

Back to Generations 1-3 Fourth Generation (Great-Grandparents of Amelia Earhart): 8. David EARHART was born in Dec 1789 in York, Pennsylvania. He died on 3 Jun 1848 in Leechburg, Armstrong County, PA and is buried in Oakdale Cemetery, Davenport, Iowa. David EARHART and Catherine ALTMANN were married on 3 Sep 1814 in Blacklick Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania. 9. Catherine ALTMANN was born on 12 Jun 1789 in Pennsylvania. She died on 15 Mar 1870 in Davenport, Iowa. David EARHART and Catherine ALTMANN had the following children: i. Phillip EARHART was born on 28 Mar 1815 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. He died on 24 Dec 1904.ii. John EARHART was born on 12 Sep 1816 in Indiana County.4 iii. Rev. David EARHARTiv. Henry EARHART was born on 3 May 1819 in Pennsylvania. He died on 9 Sep 1906.v. Lucy EARHART was born on 7 Feb 1821 in Indiana County. She died on 1 Jun 1907 in Atchison, Atchison County, Kansas.vi. Daniel EARHART was born on 14 Oct 1822 in Indiana County. He died on 13 Jul 1916 in Clinton, Ohio.vii. William EARHART was born on 3 Apr 1824 in Indiana County. He died on 10 Apr 1866.viii. Samuel EARHART was born on 7 Oct 1825 in Indiana County. He died on 27 Apr 1851 in Davenport, Iowa.ix. Joseph EARHART was born on 10 Mar 1827 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.x. Mary EARHART was born on 6 Mar 1830 in Indiana County. She died on 16 Mar 1899.xi. Robert Nixon EARHART was born on 9 Apr 1833 in Indiana County. He died on 29 Jul 1907 in Davenport, Iowa. 10. John PATTON was born btw 22 July 1793 and 21 July 1794 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania.  He died on 21 Jul 1836 in Somerset, Somerset County, Pennsylvania  and is buried in Ankeny Square Burial Ground, Somerset.   11. Harriet WELLS was born between  9 Apr 1800 and 8 Apr 1801 in Somerset, Somerset County, Pennsylvania.  She died on 9 Apr 1890 in Somerset  and is buried in Ankeny Square Burial Ground, Somerset. John PATTON and Harriet WELLS were married and had the following children: 5 i. Mary Wells PATTON 12. Isaac OTIS was born on 26 Sep 1798 in Saratoga Springs, NY. He died of an accidental injury on 12 Mar 1853 near Prairieville, Barry County, Michigan. 13. Caroline Abigail CURTISS was born on 20 Aug 1808.  She died on 12 Mar 1883 in Kalamazoo, MI. Isaac OTIS and Caroline Abigail CURTISS were married in 1826 in Homer, Cortland County, New York and  had the following children: 6 i. Judge Alfred Gideon OTISii. Charles E. OTISiii. George L. OTISiv. Ephraim A. OTISv. Isaac Newton OTISvi. Stephen OTISvii. Mary OTISviii. Louise OTISix. Lilly OTISx. Curtiss OTISxi. Arthur OTIS 14. Gephard HARRES was born on 11 Jun 1801 in Brunswick, Lower Saxony, Germany. He died on 31 May 1863 in Atchison, Atchison County, Kansas  and is buried in 1863 in Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.   15. Maria GRACE  was born on 2 Aug 1797 in Germantown, Pennsylvania.  She died on 17 Sep 1896 in Atchison, Kansas. Gephard HARRES and Maria GRACE were married on 17 Oct 1824 in Philadelphia and  had the following children: 7 i. Amelia Josephine HARRESii. Elizabeth HARRESiii. George HARRESiv. Eliza HARRESv. John Henry HARRESvi. Charles Gebhard HARRESvii. Mary Ann HARRES was born on 29 May 1830 in Philadelphia, PA.  She died on 30 Apr 1909 in Atchison, Kansas.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hepatitis B in Asian-American/Pacific Islander - 1360 Words

Hepatitis B in Asian-American/Pacific Islander America’s strength is diversity. People have come from all over the planet to this wonderful part of the world. What is the downside? With diversity, many genes- different genes are brought into one place. Some of these genes might confer specific resistance of some species against certain diseases and parasites that are common to that area. Certain groups of people are prone to certain diseases that they and their ancestors were vulnerable to. Asian-Americans are people who have origins in the Far East, Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent. In American census of 2000, Asians comprise of roughly 3.6% of the population or 10 million people. By 2050 the population will grow to 36.6 million people. Although Asian American women have the highest life expectancy, they â€Å"suffer disproportionately from certain types of cancers, tuberculosis and hepatitis B† (2). Liver cancer cases are relatively low in the United States but highest among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Hepatitis B is a major cause of liver disease. Approximately 1 out of 12 Asian Americans has the chronic version of Hepatitis B. Many do not recognize it before it is too late (1). So what is Hepatitis B and what causes it? This is a liver disease that is normally spread through person to person via contact with the following: blood, semen, body fluids from a person with the virus. Most commonly, this disease unfortunately is spread from the mother to herShow MoreRelatedThe Overall Quality Of Life Of The Asian American Community918 Words   |  4 Pagesindividuals or immigrants have a harder time utilizing services. San Francisco is also known for having the highest income inequality in the state (CDPH, 2012; SFDPH, 2012). Experience One can conclude that the overall quality of life of the Asian American community is moderate. There is access to resources and services that they need, and most of them are readily available. Not all of the communities living in San Francisco, though, have equal access to certain services, and there are still variousRead MoreTp53 Gene Essay1362 Words   |  6 Pagesare recessive and must need both of the genes mutated (Rhine 4). The next associated gene with HCC is CTNNB1, or b-catenin, which is mutated in roughly 25% of cases of HCC at the gene’s 5’ end. CTNNB1 has both physical and functional interactions within carcinogenic pathways, participating in cell-to-cell interactions and transcription (Debuire and Lemoine). When mutated, abnormal b-catenin proteins build up in the nucleus of the cells. AXIN1 is a tumor suppressor gene that is mutated in 5-10%Read MoreBenchmarkassignmentepidemiologypaperhepititsb1438 Words   |  6 PagesPaper Hepatitis B The definition for Hepatitis changes with whom you ask. To some it means a horrible painful way to die while others are able to look at it as a disease. The word Hepatitis means liver inflamation. The liver is a large, glandular, reddish-brown organ located in the upper right side of the abdomen. It consists of 5 lobes and secretes bile into the gallbladder and into the small intestine and aids in the digestion of lipids. Hepatitis is often caused by a virus. Hepatitis A, BRead MoreHealth Status Of Minority Group Essay623 Words   |  3 Pageshealth outcomes that are closely linked with social, economic, and environmental disadvantage — are often driven by the social conditions in which individuals live, learn, work and play. This document provides a brief overview of health status of Asian Americans. The disparities in health status, health risks, and access to health care experienced by persons of minority race and ethnicity are perhaps the greatest challenge facing public health in the United States. The importance of this challenge isRead MoreThe Impact Of Environment On Patterns Of Hepatitis B. Geography Of Health Essay1863 Words   |  8 PagesENVIRONMENT ON PATTERNS OF HEPATITIS B Geography of Health (GEOG322) â€Æ' Introduction We live in an environment, where there exists a daily interaction of humans, natural forces and other living things. This environment provides for our growth, survival as well as danger. A very important factor of this environment is Disease or illness. Various factors contribute to illness, such as injury, unhealthy lifestyle and lack of healthcare. One such deadly disease is Hepatitis B. Hepatitis B is a life threateningRead MoreList Main Components : Agent, Host, And Environment1336 Words   |  6 Pageschronic form. When, Acute infection transmitted mostly via sex or blood may last six months, and not immune compromised adults will recover successfully. But a person with an acute form of HBV able to transmit the virus to other unvaccinated people (Hepatitis B Foundation). Agent - HBV - virus able to cause disease. HBV is a small, double-shelled virus from the family Hepadnaviridae. It is relatively resilient and, in some instances, has been shown that in room temperature continue to be infectiousRead MoreTypes Of Hepatocellular Carcinoma ( Ah, The Primary Malignancy Of The Liver1465 Words   |  6 Pagestimes more common in men than women [6]. The most common type of HCC - caused by Hepatitis B and C viruses (HBV and HCV) are most prevalent in Asia and Africa, as the presence of virus predisposes people to liver disease and subsequently HCC [7]. In such high prevalence areas of the world, HBV infection is often acquired at birth or in early childhood. In the US, Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) account for more than 50% of people infected with HBV, although many ofRead MoreSubstance Use Disorder Within Mental Health Patients1297 Words   |  6 Pages(2015), when the recurrent use of alcohol and/or drugs causes clini cally and functionally significant impairment, such as health problems, disability, and failure to meet major responsibilities at work, school, or home. Studies have suggested more American workers are testing positive for illicit drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and methamphetamine in 2 consecutive year, based on Quest Diagnostics drug test results reported by Management Q A (2015) of approximately 6.6 million urine drug tests inRead MoreCambodian Immigrants And Health Care1107 Words   |  5 Pagesthan any other nationality (Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Forum [APIAHF], 2015). Understanding the specific needs of this population is important to prevent health disparities. Currently Asians are the only racial group who’s leading cause of death is cancer (Tseng et al., 2010). Asian Americans are also more likely to suffer from hepatitis B and tuberculosis. Both children and adults are more likely to have diabetes due to obesity. Many Asian Americans also s uffer from mental disordersRead MoreHealth Promotion Among Black or African Population Gcu1095 Words   |  5 PagesBlack or African American Population [Your Name] Grand Canyon University: Family-Centered Health Promotion(NRS-429V) January 10, 2016 Health Promotion Among Black or African American Population The Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] (2015) notes that â€Å"Starting in 1997, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requires federal agencies to use a minimum of five race categories: White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian

Article Rebuttal - 757 Words

Article Rebuttal Maybelline Torres University of Phoenix BCOM/275 April 17, 2012 Prof. Lourdes Lebrà ³n Bayrà ³n Article Rebuttal In this article rebuttal an analysis will take place on the authors, reliability, credibility, and validity on the account of Noah’s flood. The rebuttal will give emphasis on the claims young earth creationist have on the earth’s existence period. Additionally, address old earth and young earth theories. Finally identify any fallacies in the argument. For centuries creation theorists have given emphasis to Noah’s flood as enough evidence to a universal deluge. Nevertheless, it is understood the ark presented in the Bible had a higher credibility to a local flood. According†¦show more content†¦The following claim states that it can give evidence that all animals and humans originated from occupants of the ark. The people could have descended from the ark inhabitants, but scientist lack evidence on the animals descending from the ark. Finding the ark does not give evidence of the ancestry of all creatures. One way to refute this is consider the Ko ala in Australia. How did this earthly animal travel to Australia once the ark settled? Traveling this distance would be impossible nevertheless because the flood was local Koalas did not need to be on the ark. Furthermore, the author asserts that locating ark remains forces paleontologists to re-decipher fossils as an effect of the flood, not of many years buildup. Old-earth creationists relates fully with the geological proof of the arks old age existence. There are no findings of the ark, although several informants alleged to have seen it. In reality the ark will never be located, most likely it no longer exists. Noah maybe used the ark wood for rebuilding the society. God declared to Noah never again would He destroy the world with water. Noah was clear he had no use for the ark maybe he dismantled it for constructing material. Moreover, creation theorists Baumgardner, and Barnett claim after the flood the land would have resembled a lifeless wilderness deprived of trees and plants. If the plant and tree seeds floated after the flood it would still take many yearsShow MoreRelatedEssay about Article Rebuttal651 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿ APA Format: Article Rebuttal Lori M. Slack BCOM/275 February 17, 2014 Rod Klein Article Rebuttal Marriage is not about a piece of paper, a ring, or sexual preference. It has never been about any of these matters, and should not be considered so. Marriage is the commitment between two people who love each other unconditionally. According to Psychology Today, â€Å"marriage is the process by which two people who love each other make their relationship public, official, and permanent†Read MoreArticle Rebuttal: Minimum Wage Essay1192 Words   |  5 PagesArticle Rebuttal: Minimum Wage Over the years there has been much debate about raising the federal minimum wage. Some states have taken it upon themselves to set higher minimum wages than the federal minimum wage, because of the lack of action by congress. The supporters of the raising of the federal minimum wage have been more vocal lately. This is especially true since studies have shown, that the gap has grown between the wealthier population, and the middle class. Recently President Obama, becauseRead MoreArticle Rebuttal - Does the Use of Cell Phones Cause Brain Cancer?706 Words   |  3 PagesArticle Rebuttal BCOM/275 March 19, 2012 Tania Say Article Rebuttal Does the Use of Cell Phones Cause Brain Cancer? The Opponent’s Argument In this paper valid points will be presented to refute the statement made by Dr. Ronald Herberman, Director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, to his faculty and staff on July 21, 2008. â€Å"Limit cell phone use because of the potential risk of cancer† (Reyes, 2009). Herberman based his claim on unpublished data and statedRead More College Sororities: Rebuttal of Evan Wright’s Article, Sister Act1177 Words   |  5 PagesCollege Sororities: Rebuttal of Evan Wright’s Article, Sister Act Walking around a university’s campus any day of the week, one sees an array of Greek letters worn proudly by young men and women in the Greek system. Fraternities and sororities play a big part in a university. The Greek system can also be an easy target to direct criticism. There are those who oppose the Greek system and those who embrace it. Evan Wright opposes the Greek system in his article â€Å"Sister Act† that was featured inRead MoreThomas Hobbs And John Locke865 Words   |  4 PagesBritain’s Monarchy for its lack of representation, which caused a revolution. Furthermore, after the American Revolution the articles of confederation was drafted to create order after independence was gained. The articles of confederation is extremely weak, and does not tie the newly birthed nation together cohesively. There are a plethora of problems with regards to the articles of confederation, but the most profound is the lack of power vested in the national governme nt. Therefore, the constitutionRead MoreThe Relations Of Two Governments1023 Words   |  5 PagesFinding a common ground, even with Federals superiority over States ruling. Though the two may not always agree, the improvement that America has made with their government has met milestones. It is amazing to think about how it all started with the Articles of Confederation, some 200 years ago. In 1776, thirteen colonies declare their independence from Great Britain, naming themselves the United States of America. Even at America’s earliest stage they feared too much taxation, too many internal conflictsRead MoreConfederation And Constitution ( Ginger )1376 Words   |  6 PagesAfter winning independence from Great Britain in 1776, the United States was in need of an organized national government, clearly defined in written form. The first Continental Congress drafted the Articles of confederation the following year, though it would not be ratified until 1781. The Articles provided the framework for a centralized government but ultimately were not strong enough to enforce its own requirements. A new constitution was needed. Congressional leaders began the process ofRead MoreBCOM 275 All Class Assignments and DQs – A Graded Material Essay703 Words   |  3 Pagesweek 3 Individual Assignment Article Rebuttal Locate an article on a controversial subject where the author makes an argument you do not agree with. Write a 350- to 700-word rebuttal to the article using valid arguments and supporting data. In the rebuttal, offer an analysis in which you do the following: †¢ Analyze the reliability, credibility, and validity of the data used by the author. †¢ Identify any logical fallacies in the argument. Format your rebuttal consistent with APA guidelinesRead MoreSocial Media in the Workplace873 Words   |  4 Pagesdefends the warrant; it also supports the warrant as it helps enables readers to discover their unanswered questions. Rebuttal Studies undertaken by Deakin University academics have shown that unrestricted access to various social media platforms can severely reduce the productivity of those workers who spend time socialising online during business hours. This is a rebuttal as it is dismissing and reducing the strength of the claim, giving readers doubt about the writer’s claim. Qualifier MonitoringRead MoreBCOM 275 Complete Class1327 Words   |  6 Pages275 Week 3 Individual Article Rebuttal    Locate an article on a controversial subject where the author makes an argument you do not agree with.    Write a 350- to 700-word rebuttal to the article using valid arguments and supporting data. In the rebuttal, offer an analysis in which you do the following:     ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Analyze the reliability, credibility, and validity of the data used by the author.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Identify any logical fallacies in the argument.    Format your rebuttal consistent with APA guidelines

Actions Based on Intentions free essay sample

We all make decisions whether trivial or weighty. Life confronts us with situations where we have to choose between alternative courses. Decisions are important because the decisions we make either make or mar us. For one, we are a product of our decision as our lives can be explained by the decisions we chose to follow in the past. Apart from this, we live in a world where in our quest for survival, we relate with people. These people are therefore affected by the decisions we chose so we should seek to make the right decisions. Depending, on the way we view it, there are two ways of evaluating our actions. It is either we see them as right because they have good consequences or they are intrinsically good. In this essay, I will be considering a moral decision made by an actor in a film I watched recently. In Prison Break, Michael Scofield decided to rescue his brother Lincoln Burrows, who is on convicted because he was allegedly found guilty for the brutal murder of the vice presidents brother. We will write a custom essay sample on Actions Based on Intentions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Although nobody believes him, he claims that he is innocent. Scofield later got wind of information that made him believe that his brother is innocent of the crime was sentenced for. Coincidentally, the facility that his brother was kept was designed by his company and he was part of the people that designed it. Michael took drastic measures by getting arrested and he was sent to the same facility so that he can escape with his brother. The rest of the film is about how they escaped, the obstacles they faced, the life that had to be lost because of this plan and the hurdles that had to cross. After I finished watching the third session, seeing the lives that were lost, the people that had to pay the price, the pain it caused, I began to raise question about Michael’s actions. I began to question the morale behind his action. To begin with, I believe that his act is intrinsically bad. Laws are made by the society to create order in the society. When such laws are broken, the order is lost and this creates a sense of deviance in people. It becomes worse when such laws are broken intentionally. As regards the movie, I believe that the decision made by Michael Scofield is wrong. This is because he is bound by the law. Whether he feels that the judgment made by the court is right or wrong, should understand that the law is supreme. There is a due process that he can follow in order to reverse the decisions of the court. Using the Kantian ethics as a model in this situation, I will say that his action to escape from prison with his brother raises a fundamental question. Although we hold a duty to our family and the society but which is higher? This is where Scofield missed the point because the society overshadows the individual. Kant says that our action must be guided by a sense of duty – duty to who? The duty has to be to the society because the society is bigger than the society. In addition to this, Kantian ethics says that we should treat people as an end in themselves and never as a means to an end. In the movie, Michael used some people as a means of getting out of prison. For instance, he used Sarah Tancredi as means for their getaway. This action is considered wrong when we evaluate it from the canon of Kantian ethics. Furthermore, Michael Scofield’s motive is intrinsically wrong. His motive was to break into a prison facility and to escape with his brother, no matter what happens. Although appealing, his motive is wrong. This is because his motives for deciding to do what he did conflicts with his civil obligation. For one, there is nothing that can make his actions right. Breaking the law is wrong and that is all to it. Therefore, as human beings, we should come to terms with the fact that we do not need to wait for the consequence of an action before we know the rightness or wrongness. An action is intrinsically wrong even if it produces good consequences. Reference: Webpage of The international movie database. Retrieved on 9th December, 2008. from   http:/

The Advantages and Disadvantages Of A Market Economy. Essay Example For Students

The Advantages and Disadvantages Of A Market Economy. Essay The Advantages and Disadvantages Of A Market Economy. 27/9/96 Command and Market economies Neil SamtaniWhen considering the advantages and disadvantages of command and marketeconomies, you may notice that they are usually straight forward, yet, bothadvantages and disadvantages may merge at times, resulting in an unclear issue,that could be debatable whether it is for the good of the society, or for thegovernment. Therefore, what I am trying to say, is that no matter how hard youtry, it is always impossible to debate on which economic system is better. Bothhave their good points and their bad, but, each is aimed towards a communitythat will make use of it. This community has usually got a majority of peopleeither rich or poor, and, social class usually effects the way people may choosetheir government. In a market economy, the advantages are normally aimed towards themiddle/upper class in a community. This is why we normally find them in richercommunities (i.e. England, USA). The concept of a market economy is to allowpeople to get through life by themselves. Government usually does little tochange the economy, and, the control is given to the people with the money, or,rather, the people with the businesses. The main people in such an economy areusually the consumers, the producers, the owners of private property, and, thegovernment. These are the people with the power. The whole system revolvesaround private gain rather than the interests of everyone in a community. Sincethe rich are in control of the economy, their decisions result in the richgetting richer and the poor getting poorer. This is a perfect example of what Imentioned before, which is the way that you can not categorise all statements. This would be an advantage for the rich, but, a disadvantage for the poor. However, governments may also affect the situation, resulting in the richgetting richer, and, the poor managing to stay alive. The entire idea of the market economy is freedom. The freedom for peopleto do what they want, make what they want, and, sell what they want (to acertain extent). This can also be described as being able to decide WHAT isgoing to be produced (what products), HOW it is going to be produced(organisation, etc.) and FOR WHOM it is going to be produced. This is definitelyan advantage, as freedom and rights are allowed. Besides this, the norm is thatyoure wage is affected by the amount you work. The harder a person works, themore you would expect to get paid. This is another advantage, since people arepaid by the amount they work : a lot of work results in a high outcome, and ahigh income for the person. This is an incentive to work too, since, the pointstated previously can affect a person negatively, since, not enough work canresult in pay cuts or, even job losses. Since the economy is controlled by the rich, a problem that is bound tooccur is the economic growth rates increasing and decreasing. This can result inpeople either spending a lot of money (ending up with more people beingemployed) , and, people not spending a lot of money (ending up with people beingfired, to save money). This means that there is little job security, which isone of the disadvantages we are facing today. This means that not working hardcan result in no source of income. However, since the economic growth changes somuch, nothing can be certain. You can be rich one moment, and bankrupt the next. .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 , .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 .postImageUrl , .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 , .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258:hover , .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258:visited , .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258:active { border:0!important; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258:active , .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258 .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u77da3d3a8486f965a17a1ef7de160258:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: From Dirt to Duchess EssayThis also means that a man willing to work can not have a job, and below thepoverty line, which is another disadvantage. There are not always enough jobs toaccommodate the people with the ability to work. Advantages DisadvantagesEveryone has rights and freedom to build what they wwant, sell what theywant, and buy what they canafford.Poor people can not necessarily affordmuch. Since there is little government interaction with the community, thepeople have to manage to live without their help. It is usually possible to increase living standards by increasing yourlevel of work, or your quality of it.The economy is controlled by the rich,and, therefore the richhave the power. Their decisions would always be to getthemselves richer, and, that makes the poor poorer. There are strong incentives built into the system to innovate andproduce high quality goods (high quality goods = higher income, low qualitygoods = lower income / unemployment)Since the economy is controlled by thepeople, stable growth is is very difficult. This can result in job losses, dueto a the economic cycle.(boom followed by bust) This result in low job security. Free markets provide choice for the incentives to innovate, and theeconomy to grow.There are bound to be losses. Since job security is low, andthe economy can not always be predicted, bankruptcy is and poverty can creep upon anyone.